Welcome to Sentinel

"Small But Proud."

Welcome to the Sentinel Elementary School District and our website. We appreciate your visit. Our school district provides world-class education in Southwest Arizona. We take great pride in our quality programs, dedicated teachers, and supportive community

We invite you to visit this website often. You’ll see the latest district news and activities

What a great place to join together in support of our kids. Your interest and participation make a real difference as we work together to encourage and inspire our students.

A Special Message from Our Superintendent

Dear Sentinel District Parents, Students, and Staff, 

As superintendent the Sentinel Elementary School District, I’m thrilled to welcome you to our website. Our district organizes and aligns all available resources for the benefit of our students. This website is just one example of our efforts to enhance our communication and our relationships with students, parents, and our district staff. I’m proud of the great people and the excellent education available in our district. As educators, our job is to provide the resources, guidance, and support that our students need to achieve their very best. I encourage you to get involved. Together we are providing an empowering education for all Sentinel students. 


Steven Yoder

Steven Yoder, District Superintendent